NAGPS National Conference

University of Arkansas

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Patricia R. Koski

Patricia R. Koski

Associate Dean – Graduate School and International Education, University of Arkansas

Patricia R. Koski was born and grew up in Spokane, Washington.  She received her B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in Sociology from Washington State University. Her first academic position was teaching criminal justice at the University of Tulsa. In 1984, she moved to the Department of Sociology at the University of Arkansas.  After receiving tenure, she spent a year as a visiting faculty fellow at the University of Cambridge, and returned to serve as the Director of the Criminal Justice Program in the Department.  A year later, she became the chair of the Department, which was soon renamed the Department of Sociology, Social Work and Criminal Justice. She is now the Associate Dean of the Graduate School and International Education.   She has published and presented primarily on topics related to family violence, sociology of culture, and the creation of the self.    Her most recent publication was a co-authored book on the definition of self for people with neurogenic communication disorders.  This has led to the adoption of new clinical techniques for people with these issues